Extended temporary protection for people displaced from Ukraine
Council of Ministers Resolution
No. 29/2024, of February 29
Through Council of Ministers Resolution No. 29-A/2022, of March 1, amended by Council of Ministers Resolutions No. 29-D/2022, of March 11, 135/2022, of December 28, and 22- D/2023, of March 13, Portugal defined the criteria and procedure for granting temporary protection to refugees from Ukraine, with the automatic granting of a residence permit for a period of one year, as well as social security numbers, tax identification numbers and National Health Service user numbers.
In October 2023, by means of Council of Ministers Resolution No. 120/2023 of October 9, the government extended the validity of the temporary protection certificates until February 29, 2024.
Following the extension of temporary protection provided for in Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/2409 of October 19, 2023, the Government, through Council of Minister Resolution No. 29/2024, of 29 February, extends the validity of the temporary protection certificates until December 31, 2024.
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